Saturday, January 7, 2012


I don't make New Year's resolutions.  Never have.  I don't see why my goal-setting should be tied to the rolling over of a number.  So I don't make em.

That being said, I still have goals for this coming year.  And I did a not-bad job of meeting my goals last year.

I didn't meet my weight loss goal.  But I did lose 20lbs over the course of the year.  I did start a fitness regime that I kept at and maintained.  (For the most part.)  And when I fell off the wagon and gained 7lbs back, I got back on the wagon and lost them again, getting back into my workouts.  I started going for counselling for my depression and anxiety.  I have become a more positive and capable person.  I turned 30.  And I freaking love it.

So that's what I did last year.  This is what I've got planned for the one ahead:

I am getting into a stress management group/class to help me deal with my anger and temper issues.  I'm tired of yelling all the time.  My husband and my kids, and my dog, and I deserve better.  So this is me trying to do better.

I am running three miles a day, three times a week.  (That's the aim, anyway.  Some weeks I do better than others.)  I'm training to run 6 miles in 75 minutes.  Me and my sisters are going to run a marathon as a relay team in June, so I have to run between 8 and 12 km (depending on which leg I do).  I am very nervous/excited about this race.  It will be my first race, and doing it with all of my sisters is a great show of solidarity for the four of us, and a great celebration of our individual fitness and weight loss successes over the last few years.

I am done with being anxious and depressed.  Done.  This doesn't mean I will never have to deal with these issues of mental health.  Far from it, in fact.  I will always have to deal with them.  They're a part of who I am.  But I'm done with letting my issues push me around.  And regular exercise is helping to keep my anxieties in check.

I recently became hooked on Florence + the Machine.  Specifically the song "Shake it Out".  It's my anti-anxiety theme song.  I am inspired by lines like:

I'm tired of dragging that horse around/
tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground

I like to keep my issues strong/
it's always darkest before the dawn

Anxiety and depression are my "horse" and this year with running and fitness I am going to bury that horse.  I am tired of dragging the weight, figuratively and literally.  So this year I start off by looking back at the successes of last year, and forward with a positive attitude at what I can do with this one.  Hope yours has started out as well and if you need any pointers on weight loss and getting started with fitness, let me know.  I've learned a few tricks.
