Saturday, June 9, 2012

Update: My Shiny Bald Head

Decided to just bite the bullet and shave my head tonight.  It terrified me.  I very much expected to hate it.  (As mentioned in my last post.)

But guess what?  I don't! 

I'm not going to keep it this way because the upkeep is horrid, but I am now bald as a cue ball and I still haven't hit the point where I no longer like how it looks.  And my husband keeps grinning at me and just told me that he likes it like this!  He did a great job of the back half that I couldn't see.  No nicks, either.

This is a progression of my hair starting three years ago:

May 2009:

May 2011:

July 2011:

 February 2012:

March 2012:

June 12, 2012 (yesterday):

What do you think of it?

I guess now I'm going to have to find something else that scares me. 


1 comment:

Maj said...

Bravo! Facing your fears is always the first step but to follow through with your convictions? Wow! You have my utmost respect!