Friday, March 25, 2011

What's New

Sorry I've been away so long.  I went through a brief bout with depression followed by a manic, obsessive bout with my new video game.  I swear every game Bioware releases just eats me alive!

I figured I should make this post to just update what's going on in my life.

Noah's doing really well right now.  Lots of good eye contact.  He's talking all the time, even though I don't understand half of what he's saying.  He seems to enjoy the time he gets to join the kindergarten class.  That should also help him to transition into that class next year.  He's become very good at communicating his needs, and we're in the process of applying for specialised services to help him with his life skills.

Sean has started spending 1 day a week over at his aunt's house.  (Thanks, Jessica!)  He gets to hang out with a cousin about six months older than him, and I get a bit of a break.  He's been talking a great deal more since then, and is getting much better at communicating his needs as well.

Eva is doing well.  She seems to be calming down a lot lately.  She doesn't bark as much, and she actually sits when she wants attention.  I need to get her into another class soon, so we can keep this good momentum going.  I haven't been able to take her for many walks because it won't stop snowing, but I try to take her to my parents' acreage once a week so she can run.

I have lost 15 lbs.  That's half a pound short of the halfway point of my mid-July weight loss goal, so I'm still on pace to lose 31 lbs before my 30th birthday.  I've been jogging on my mini-trampoline when the weather is nasty.  (Which it has been almost steadily since January.)  My energy levels are up and I'm really starting to notice the difference in my body.

I'm working on re-affirming my relationship with God.  I haven't been to church in way too long.  I have a host of excuses but I really need to get my butt in gear and just go back.  I've started reading a couple of Christian books, and listening to some Christian music.  It's been helping me to feel better about myself.

I priced out a new kitchen.  It will be bottom-of-the line, but a vast improvement on the home-made, ill-fitting cabinets we have in our 30-year-old trailer.  And it will be pretty inexpensive, to boot!

So lots of stuff on the go.  Things seem to be on the upswing in my life.  I'll try to keep up with the posting more often. 


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