Monday, February 7, 2011

Weight Loss

I have tried losing weight a number of times.  The last couple of times I've tried I threw my back out.  Badly.  So I lost heart and gave up. 

My family had some gorgeous pictures done at the beginning of this year.  I looked at all the pictures and this is what I saw: my three sisters, who have been working hard and getting into shape and they all look amazing.  (Especially the one who has lost 60 lbs in the last year.  Good on her!)  And me.  I weighed more on the first of January than I did on the last day I was pregnant with my first child.  Don't get me wrong.  I love those pictures.  I will proudly show my grandkids those pictures one day.  But they were a wake-up call.  I need to get healthy.

I had been overweight before.  I lost 30 lbs about 7 years ago.  But I gained some with my first pregnancy And then leading up to my wedding.  And then again after my second pregnancy.  It wasn't until last year that I realized that I had been depressed for about three years and that has contributed to my weight gain.  (I will discuss the depression in a later post.)

So here I was, 60 lbs heavier than when I graduated 10 years ago.  40 lbs heavier than when I met my husband.  And I decided to change.

A call from a friend really helped.  I had been considering going to water aerobics, but had never got up the courage and the energy to go.  And then Becky called, and asked me if I wanted to start taking water aerobics twice a week.  I jumped at the chance.  I had an accountability buddy, and someone to help me take on a daunting new experience.  The workout was alot more difficult than I imagined it would be.  And I loved it.  Water aerobics was the perfect way to strengthen my body without straining my back.

I also made some small changes with my eating.  I refuse to deny myself any specific type of food, but any kind of temptation stays out of my house.  If I want to treat myself, I have to go get it.  I drink at least a litre of water a day, and a large glass of milk.  I eat breakfast every day.  I don't snack when I'm bored.  And I don't eat after 7pm.  If I get hungry late I drink a glass of milk.  A lot of changes, but nothing drastic.

So I am eating better, and doing water aerobics twice a week, and going for a brisk walk once a week.  And I have lost 8 lbs since January 1st.  So far so good!  I am planning on losing 31 lbs by July.  Wish me luck!


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