Thursday, February 24, 2011


I am so ready for winter to be over.  Normally, I like to stay inside.  My family has been calling me a vampire for twenty years or so because of my tendency to hide in the basement and read books.

But this year something seems to have changed.  I want to take my kids outside.  I want to get some fresh air and sunshine and maybe even (gasp) a tan.

I am tired of having to let my car warm up.  I am tired of toques and gloves and winter boots and jackets and wind chill warnings and I am tired of snow!!

I am Canadian, so I should be used to this stuff by now.  I've had thirty years to adjust.  But this year I've just had enough.  This winter crap is ruining my workout momentum.  And this particular winter seems to be a little bipolar.  Either it's -30 celsius, or it's +5 and melting.  Damn uncooperative Canadian winter.  So the kids can't enjoy the snow because it's either too cold or too wet.

I remember loving winter.  I like skating.  I love cross-country skiing.  I love the lack of bugs.  And sweat.  And excessive sunshine.  I love that first breath you take when it's reeeeealy cold and it freezes your lungs and makes you cough reflexively.  Truly.  I love that feeling.  That is the feeling of being Canadian.  (Well, that and Tim Horton's coffee.)

But enough is enough.  Mother Nature, God, whoever controls this stuff, I am hereby giving notice that I will no longer tolerate this!  Unless you want me to be grumpy(er) for the rest of my life, bring on the spring already! 


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