Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I was somewhat afraid to write anything today.  I found out this morning that my son's preschool will be closing at the end of the month.  This means that all the great progress we have made this year might as well go straight out the window.  Being autistic, Noah has difficulty adjusting to new situations.  It took him four months to get used to the class he is in now, and it is in the same place and with the same teacher's aide he has last year.  So even if he gets a new placement, I doubt he will make any further progress through school.

So the bombshell that his school is closing I recieved this morning with no advanced warning has thrown me into extreme emotional turmoil.  I was afraid to write, at the risk that the post would turn into an angry tirade, and I do not really want those kinds of feelings out there for anyone to see.  It wouldn't reflect well on me.

My immediate reaction to unexpected events is to assume the worst and worry myself into a tizzy.  I have given myself time to think, and now believe that the situation is not necessarily as dire as I thought.  There is still time and multiple ways to save the program.  We'll see what we can do tomorrow.

I also assumed that I would have to do this on my own.  I was sorely mistaken in that regard.  Happily so!  My husband has called in anyone who might know anything, and he's booked tomorrow morning off so he can talk to the people directly involved.  I am so glad to hand the reins of this problem over to someone else.  I am usually the one who handles the stuff to do with Noah's treatment, because Derek works full time, and I stay at home to raise the kids.  It's nice that he chose to get involved just at the time when I need him most.  By God, but I love that man.

So I've had time to get the tears and the anger out, and I'm thinking rationally, so it's time to leave the entire problem in the capable hands of my Lord.  He's always been in control anyway.

Hope you're having a better day than I am.

With Love,

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