Friday, January 28, 2011


I am the oldest of four girls and no boys.  There is a five year spread between me and the youngest.  We've always fought like cats and dogs (and still do occasionally, even though we're all grown up now) but we are very close.  We all get along quite well with our parents as well.  My mom and dad will have been married for 30 years this coming August.

If we don't like you, we won't talk to you.  It's kind of our family's unspoken motto.  If we like you, we tease you mercilessly.  That's just the way we operate.  But if we decide we don't like you, we just won't go out of our way to carry a conversation.  Very rarely will we tell anyone off, but should we find it necessary, watch out.

When three or more of us get together, especially around my parents' hundred-year-old-english-oak table, it takes about half an hour before there are tears of laughter running down our faces.  There is a great deal of joy that has survived the hard times, and we've had our fair share of those.

We've always believed in God.  We went to church every Sunday.  Most of us still do.  (To be truthful, I only make it about once a month, but I'm working to improve that.)  It was, and still is, natural for us to bring God, Christ, and Christian values into any conversation.  That doesn't mean that all we do is sit around and talk about God.  Far from it in fact.  But it does mean that the mention of God or faith is never met with censure among my family members.  It is the most delightfully safe place to believe, and express that belief that I have ever encountered.  I am truly blessed to have them.

Anytime I need someone to talk to, about anything, I can call any of them.  They always have a kind word, or honest advice, or just a shoulder to cry on.  Always.

Every woman in the world should have my sisters to shop with.  They always give an honest opinion and will absolutely never allow you to leave the store with something that looks bad on you.  You kinda have to have a thick skin about it though.  Sometimes you will open the change room door, and they will literally point and laugh.  And then proceed to try the same thing on themselves.

My family adopts stray people.  From taking in some of my cousins for literally years of their lives, to offering friends of myself and my sisters a place to stay while they're getting their lives in order.  We offer a warm welcome to those who need a family.  Or a second family, in some cases.  There is never so many of us that there isn't room for more.

So there's a quick overall view of my family.  I love them all very much, and they're mine.  But I could share them if you want.  As long as they like you, that is...


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