Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Love Letter

This one's for you, Derek.

Our relationship hasn't been the easiest, or really very romantic.  Neither of us are particularly good at grand gestures.  I know you're incredible with the little ones though.  And those are the ones that count.

We were pregnant 8 months into our relationship.  That's less than a year after the first time we met.  I remember telling you, and your response was, "Yay!".  And you meant it.  You were the first to change Noah's diaper.  (I believe you changed the second and third as well...)  You used to place his tiny body, clad only in a diaper, on your bare chest, and snuggle with him under a blanket.  You are one of, if not the, best father I have ever known.

You give the very best hugs in the world.  I can't even describe them.  When you hold me like that, you make the best things in the world even better, and the worst experiences a little more bearable.

You are one of the most supportive people in the world.  You encourage me to get out of the house more often for my own sanity's sake.  You put up with my crap.  You let me be bossy, even out in public.  I rarely hear you complain that the house isn't clean enough.  (Which it never is, truth be known.)  Or that I haven't cooked dinner.  (Again.)  You understand my obsessive personality and put up with my endless talking about this or that movie or actor or video game that is my most recent obsession.

You get my sense of humour.  I love that I can be watching a movie with you and I can just look at you and grin and not need to speak.  I can tell by the look on your face that you're thinking the same thing that I am.  I love those little moments.  And that I can spout random quotes out of the blue and you get the humour, and don't think I'm odd.  'Cause you're odd too.

And I love that you let me know when I've crossed the line and when I get too pushy.  You let me feel like I'm in control without letting me turn into a tyrant.  I really need both of those things; to feel in control, and to not become a tyrant.

Honey, you let me be me while encouraging me to be better. 

You think I'm beautiful even though I'm 35 pounds heavier than when we met.  You think I'm sexy even when I don't feel sexy.  (Though sometimes that does get obnoxious.)  You are honest with me, and (most of the time) tactful enough about it not to be hurtful.

When we discovered that Noah very likely was autistic, you didn't blink.  You love our children for who they are, not who you want them to be.  It is a rare and incredible trait.

I love you so much, Derek.  I am blessed to be married to my best friend.  I know I am difficult to live with, but I am trying to be better.  And maybe through the years we can be better together: better parents.  Better spouses.  Better friends.

It's only been a few years, but here's to many, many more.

I love you with all my heart,

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